Proper cactus transplanting
Experience shows that regular transplanting is useful for cacti, especially during the period of active growth. If the correct size of the dishes is chosen, cacti under the age of 4-5 years should be transplanted annually, at the age of 5 to 10 years-once every 2 years, and then according to individual indications.
Almost all types of cacti are best transplanted from late spring to mid-summer. At this time the cactus «Wake up» and begin to form a fresh and colourful spines.
For cacti that bloom in the spring, a more convenient time for transplanting is at the end of summer stagnation, the end of July and the beginning of August.
When transplanting, the plants are removed from the pots using a removable bottom, carefully squeezing it out or, if the pots do not have a removable bottom, shaking out, gently tapping the pot and helping with an ordinary spoke, trying not to damage the root system. Next, the old earth is carefully and carefully removed with a stiff brush for drawing, so that the roots are completely released. Cacti whose roots are severely damaged or affected by pests should be set aside for special treatment. The root system damaged by the worm must be treated with poisons or hot water; damaged nematode or rotten must be removed with a sharp knife and treated with hot water. Water is heated to 45-50 °C for healthy plants, which has a beneficial effect on the development of roots, and to 52-56 °C for those damaged by pests.
After processing in hot water for 1-2 minutes, the cacti are laid out in the shade or covered with paper, so they rest for 24-48 hours. During this time, there is a healing injury. If necessary, if the roots are too large, the root system can be cut with a sharp knife to the desired size. When shortening the roots, usually leave about a third of the length of the roots. It is useful that in a new pot the roots do not reach the bottom and have a reserve for growth.
If time allows, it is useful to subject the root system to deeper aeration when transplanting. It is not necessary to buy aerators. To do this, regardless of the shortening of the roots, the plants released from the ground are laid out on a plane or in a suspended state for 2-3 weeks, after which they are planted in fresh ground. Aeration can be carried out both in the shade and in the sun, while ultraviolet irradiation of the roots contributes to the destruction of root fungus and rot.
Before planting, a drainage (expanded clay, broken brick or sphagnum moss) is placed on the bottom of the pot with a layer of 1-2 cm, then a little earthen mixture is poured. Before planting, the cactus roots can be rolled in ash or sulfur powder, after which they are lowered into a pot, carefully straightened and begin to sprinkle with an earthen mixture. To make the earthen mixture penetrate between the roots, you can shake the pot several times or knock. It is unacceptable to press the ground to the roots and tamp it after planting. The plant is planted correctly if the root neck is just below the top edge of the pot. The root neck of the cactus should remain free from the ground, it is then sprinkled with gravel or pebbles, so that the water does not erode the earthen mixture when watering. Transplanted cacti should be placed in partial shade for a week and not watered.
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